Hey everyone, here's the MT topic for February. Sorry about the lack of January MTs.
Dark Adept Kir Taldrya Katarn has recently been chosen by Jac to be the new Justicar of the Brotherhood. Since his appointment, the new JST has been eager to take survey the entire organization to get himself brought up to speed. You (the writer) have been selected to interface with Kir and familiarize him with your own unit, be it a Clan, a House or a Battle Team (up to you).
Format for this competition is 1.5 pages of fiction, 12 point Arial or TNR - no poetry or graphics this time around. All submissions should be sent to dbfictiontribune@gmail.com with your DB PIN and ID line. Any entries which do not follow these rules will be disqualified. Any entries sent directly to the Fiction Tribune will be deleted and NOT forwarded to the proper e-mail address.
You'll notice that in this MT we're NOT doing graphics or poetry. The reason for this is that I simply don't get enough submissions to justify running them every month. From now on, graphics and poetry will only be incorporated into every third month (March, June, September and December). Please only send stories this time around.
Thanks, and good luck to all participants!