Wednesday, December 20, 2006

T:F Holiday Competition

Whoops, sorry this is a day late. Here's the specifics on the new competition from the Fiction Tribune's office.

Many members of the Brotherhood participate in real-life holiday celebrations at this time of year. It seems only fitting that Dark Jedi
would also have some kind of seasonal affair. The goal of this competition is to describe that holiday.

The format is open writing - it can be as long or as short as you like, and may be in point form, poetry or prose. Give a short description of how the holday started, how long it lasts (a day, a week, two weeks, a month, whatever) where it's celebrated (one world in particular, one star system, among all Dark Jedi), and at least two "rituals" that are observed during that holiday. By "rituals", I don't mean Krathy-type stuff (necessarily), but things that happen for that holiday - people give gifts at Christmas, light the menorah during Hanukah, give candy on Halloween, etc. Pick out or design a couple of "rituals" that fit your holiday.

All submissions should be send to with the subject Season's Greetings Competition, and include your ID line and DB PIN. Any submission that is not sent to that address or does not include both the ID line and DB PIN will not be counted in the results. All submissions are due by New Year's Eve, December 31.

Monday, December 18, 2006


My apologies for the delay in announcing these results - the past few weeks have been a swirl of finals, moving and severe illness. Having said that, without further delay, I give you the results for the November Monthly Topics:


First Place: SW Raken
Second Place: JH Etah
Third Place: PRT Eclipse


First Place: SW Raken
Second Place: DJK Ricco Vao
Third Place: OT Tarax Eosophoros Kor


First Place: GRD Droveth Kathera Vectivi
Second Place: SW Raken
Third Place: No Third-Place Participant

Congratulations to all the winners. Medals have been submitted and should be arriving shortly.

Now, a few notes on future MTs: December will have no formal MTs. In lieu of this, and due to the holiday season, we'll be having a seasonal competition which will be announced today or tomorrow. That competition will run until the end of the month.

Also, due to a lack of participation in the other areas, starting in January the poetry and graphics section of the Monthly Topics will only be run every third month, rather than every month - March, June, September and December. I'll include periodic other competitions with those categories, and I would hope that poetry and graphics competitions are running on the House and Clan level, so there shouldn't be any shortage of those types of events for people who want to participate in them.

A big thanks to everyone for your patience while these results were released. The new competition will be out soon.