Saturday, June 17, 2006

Monthly Topic Reminder

Hey everyone, just a reminder that the Montly Topics are on until June 30. The topics can be found on the Fiction Tribune blog off the navigation menu, or at .

Also, please send your submissions to, not to my personal address. I very specifically said this when I first posted the topics. From this point on, any MT submission sent to my personal e-mail will be deleted, and won't count for the MT.

Thanks for participating, and good luck to everyone in the GJW!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Monthly Topics!

So, with two weeks to go before the GJW starts, I'm sure all of you are looking for something to polish your skills. Smoke's Pre-GJW Warmup has been great for that, but I know there are a few fiction and poetry writers that must be looking for something to do. So, without further ado (and because we didn't have them last month), I present the June Monthly Topics!

Fiction Topic: A New Era
Poetry Topic: Beginnings
Graphics Topic: The Opening

The story submission should be no more than fifteen pages long. Poetry submissions are open format, but should be kept to a reasonable length - you can submit an epic if you really want to, but at some point I'm going to stop reading. :P Graphics should be no bigger than 800x600.

The MTs will run for the entire month (June 30), but I understand that we've got the GJW coming up in a couple of weeks, so I'm guessing all of you will want to submit before then. Second-level Crescents will go to the top three in each category. (Thanks Kaek for telling me that my previous choice of awards was too low.) All submissions should be sent to dbfictiontribune [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "June MT Submission". Please include your ID line with your submission.

Best of luck to everyone, and I hope to see some great participation!